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省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得

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省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得開箱文,
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    • SHOTLIST: DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, APRIL 25, 2013. SOURCE: AFPTV - VAR of the Ferrari patrol car and Dubai Police female officers outside the mall of Dubai ... 較多 SHOTLIST: DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, APRIL 25, 2013. SOURCE: AFPTV - VAR of the Ferrari patrol car and Dubai Police female officers outside the mall of Dubai and the entrance of the Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa. SOUNDBITE 1 - Mariam Hmaid (woman), Dubai Police second lieutenant (Arabic, 6 sec) "The general command of Dubai Police decided that the Ferrari patrol car will be for the police women division." - VAR of the Ferrari patrol car and Dubai Police female officers outside the mall of Dubai and the entrance of the Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa. SOUNDBITE 2 - Mariam Hmaid (woman), Dubai Police second lieutenant (Arabic, 11 sec) "This is the only Ferrari at Dubai Police. The price range of this car is between 1.5. to 2 million AED after making some adjustments and adding instruments to the car." - VAR of the Ferrari patrol car and Dubai Police female officers outside the mall of Dubai and the entrance of the Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa. SOUNDBITE 3 - Mariam Hmaid (woman), Dubai Police second lieutenant (Arabic, 10 sec): "This car will be used mostly in the tourist areas of Dubai, such as the boulevard, Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, and Jumeirah beach residence." - VAR of the Ferrari patrol car and Dubai Police female officers outside the mall of Dubai and the entrance of the Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa. /// ----------------------------------------------------------------- AFP TEXT STORY: UAE-police-offbeat Dubai police show off Ferrari DUBAI, April 25, 2013 (AFP) - Dubai police on Thursday showed off a new Ferrari they will use to patrol the city state, hot on the heels of a Lamborghini which joined the fleet earlier. The car sporting the green and white of Dubai police was unveiled at the foot of the Burj al-Khalifa, the world's tallest building. It will be used by women police to patrol tourist areas. The introduction of luxury Italian cars to the police force is being seen as a sign of economic recovery in the Gulf emirate where a housing bubble burst in 2008. pho/vid/hc/srm 較少  1 / 5 AFP Videos 2013年4月26日週五 台北標準時間下午9時00分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


      省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得那裡買,
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      省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得評比,
      省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得部落客推薦,
      省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得推薦,






















      省錢買東西【天使霓裳】浪漫唇印 居家孕婦哺乳衣套裝(桃)特惠價心得

    睡衣 居家服 MOMO購物網
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